For many of us the Lockdown of 2020 (and 2021) may seem like a distant memory, long ago were the days you and the family would set Joe Wicks’ newest fitness routine up each morning, followed by an afternoon of home schooling and then finishing up the day by taking your one allocated walk. Although, it is strange to look back on, I’m sure for most of us that is relieving, as we try to not take our new ‘normal’ for granted.
As a remotely operated business pre-covid, we were somewhat in a fortunate position of having used technology throughout MAT Recruitment meaning we didn’t have to retrain and find balance in our new work from home schedules, as many did. Using programs such as MS Teams or Zoom became the popular choice for business, hence it became easily accessible for us to reach a wider client and candidate base, as for most this was a new way of approaching the recruitment process.
Although there was little impact on our internal operations, the education recruitment industry has faced drastic changes over the past two years. Previously the process of recruiting was exclusively in-person, from interviewing to onboarding. Until recently, Video conferencing was the main method used for recruitment. Even though this was the only option for matching candidates to their dream roles, it starved candidates of experiencing the School or Trust that they were going to be a part of. Nevertheless, video interviews are still used as an initial method of getting to know a candidate, both candidates and those hiring mutually benefit from the newer mixed methods approach post-covid.
Here at MAT Recruitment, we have aimed to provide consistency throughout a time that was unknown and daunting to us all. Using the situation to secure roles and further the capabilities of education, such as the development of our MAT Tutors programme. MAT Tutors aims to bridge these educational gaps by teaching well-structured lessons, with smaller groups to allow exclusive, personal interactions between the student and tutor. Conceived during the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic MAT Tutors was set up to address a growing demand providing a vital support system for students aged between 5 and 16 requiring academic help. From this we then developed our MAT certified tutor programme, which includes modules such as safeguarding, diversity and inclusion and planning lessons for 1 to 1 and small groups. This programme has ensured that we can provide essential catch-up intervention for those who need it most.
Looking back, it is easy for us to wonder about how different life may be had covid not existed but for us here at MAT Recruitment we believe that although a difficult time for all, the covid-19 pandemic has taught us a valuable lesson. This lesson proved that recruitment and retention is not difficult, but it is ensuring that people are heard and understood which will result in their ultimate career satisfaction and success.
If you would like to find out more about our services why not give us a call on 0330 1244 363 or drop us an email:
Kickstart Your Tutoring Career With MAT Tutors!
Are you searching for flexible tutoring jobs that allow you to make a real difference in students’ lives? Look no