My name is Assia and I am an English tutor who has been tutoring KS3 & 4 students for over 7 years. I have experience working as a Tutor and Mentor, successfully teaching English Literature and Language. Being an experienced tutor for GCSE, I possess in depth knowledge of all GCSE Literature novels, plays and poems. I am passionate about English, which is evident in my lesson delivery, where I create a positive environment allowing my students to be excited and involved in their learning. I pride myself on my reputation as a high quality, enthusiastic and passionate tutor who ensures her students achieve positive progress. All my students have attained an average of a 2-3 grade increase within a few months of regular tutoring with me; this is due to my engaging approach, regular assessment and adaptions of my sessions to meet the needs of all students. Throughout my tutoring experience, I have worked with students from a range of ages, abilities and backgrounds. I always ensure they can effectively access the topics being taught, tailoring to their different learning needs.
Approved Tutor:
SW London
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