As we are drawing nearer to the end of the year, for many it may seem as if the search for that new job you’ve been dreaming about is on hold. Here at MAT Recruitment, we are here to reassure you that the job search can still continue over the festive period!
Our expert team of recruitment consultants have a superb understanding of the education landscape, investing time to understand you and your needs, gaining understanding of your skills and aspirations to ensure we can match you with the best opportunity. But it doesn’t stop there, we will guide you through the full recruitment process, from helping you structure your CV to maintaining regular contact throughout, even after your placement.
And our work doesn’t stop over the festive period however, currently we have brilliant roles from leadership to school support staff starting in January 2022! These roles are with fantastic trusts and schools across the UK from Lancashire to Brighton!
Our roles include, but are not limited to:
· Cluster IT Manager, for a fantastic trust in Brighton
· Head of Department- Modern Foreign Language Teacher, at a brilliant school in Birmingham
· An Estates Manager, at a fabulous secondary school in North London
· School Librarian, for a great secondary school in Bradford
· Science Teacher, with an outstanding secondary school in Bootle, Merseyside.
To see more of our roles, starting either ASAP or in January 2022 and beyond, have a look at our website:
No matter the role you are looking for, we have the expertise to ensure that we find you the best fit! Find out more and see how we can help by giving our team a call on 0330 1244 363 or email us on

Supporting Mental Health In The Classroom: Tips For Teachers & Schools
The mental health of students has become a paramount concern for educators. As teachers and school leaders, it is ever